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Highlights and Headlines: April 22, 2024 Board Meeting Recap
Shawn Shaffer, FSPS Executive Director of Facility Operations, and Darrell Stovall, Chair of the Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee, presented the committee’s plan to optimize district facilities. The district urged the committee to “think big” and propose ambitious projects aimed at enhancing the district as a whole. Some recommendations include studying the feasibility of building a regulation track for Northside High School, assessing the need to expand the middle school cafeterias and athletic facilities, and exploring the financial implications of renovating or building performing arts facilities at each high school. The Long-Range Plan spans ten years and aims to renew and revitalize district facilities to ensure safety, relevance, and efficiency.
On that note, the facilities department and construction partners updated the board on the status of construction projects throughout the district. There are currently 40 total construction projects in the works. Of the forty projects, sixteen are substantially complete; construction began on seven, and twelve are in the design phase.
Dr. Kellie Cohen Minton, Director of Student Achievement and Accountability, presented summer programs for FSPS K-12 students to aid in accelerating and enriching student achievement. Programs will cover literacy and math, ACT and PSAT, computer science, meeting goals, and career tech. Starting June 10th, FSPS will hold free career-focused summer camps for middle school students. Topics range from photography to manufacturing and even aviation camp.
Dr. Tiffany Bone, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, updated the board on the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment department’s work towards continuous improvement. Students have shown improvement in both reading and math proficiency. District staff continues to work towards continuous improvement for staff and students.
Media Contact:
Addie Reith, Communications Specialist | 479-785-2501 ext. 91391