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Highlights and Headlines: October 28, 2024 Board Meeting Recap
On October 28, 2024, the Fort Smith Public Schools Board of Education met to discuss several vital topics impacting the district.
First, Southside High School Principal Jeff Prewitt informed the board of a project dedicated to honoring Coach Aaron Kareus, a cherished teacher and mentor who passed away in August 2022. A 1999 Southside graduate and dedicated teacher and coach since 2012, Coach Kareus was beloved for his mentorship and friendship within the school community. To commemorate his impact, the senior classes of 2023 and 2024 have dedicated their class gifts toward a life-size monument near the track's entrance inside Jim Rowland Stadium. Southside High collaborates with SHS alum Alex Cowell from the Local Color Studio Gallery to design the statue, capturing Coach Kareus’s spirit and passion for running. The monument will embody his core values of hard work, respect, and sportsmanship, inspiring future athletes. Reflecting on his influence, Southside senior Lily Phomakay shared, “[Coach Kareus] had a lifelong impact of determination, discipline, and family values. And even though he’s no longer with us, I want the lessons he impacted in my life and the legacy he leaves on Southside to outlive him.” Mr. Prewitt added, “The purpose of this memorial is to keep alive everything that he stood for within our community…to serve as a symbol of the positive influence he had on all of us.” The memorial will be a lasting tribute to Coach Kareus's legacy at Southside High School.
Zonda Education’s demographer provided the board with an update on district demographics, covering economic trends, city statistics (unemployment and housing rates), and enrollment data, including area private and charter school enrollment. He presented the student distribution within FSPS and a ten-year enrollment forecast. Mr. Martin Mahan, Deputy Superintendent, noted that projections are most accurate within three years. The board discussed the update’s implications for zoning, class sizes, and attendance.
The board designated Phil Whiteaker as its delegate to the Arkansas School Boards Association Delegate Assembly. This assembly serves as the ASBA’s policy-making body. It will meet on December 11, 2024, during the ASBA Annual Conference. Fort Smith Public Schools appreciates Phil Whiteaker’s service as its voting representative at this assembly.
Galen Hunter, Principal at MAHG Architecture, presented cost estimates and layout concepts for upgrading middle school tracks across the district. Currently, all middle schools have tracks, but Kimmons and Darby lack full-sized regulation spaces. He discussed the pros and cons of track renovations at each campus. Expanding Darby’s track would disrupt traffic patterns and impact Tilles Elementary, while Kimmons would require costly fill work due to elevation. Ramsey’s track is the least expensive to upgrade, thanks to existing drainage, while Chaffin’s would need significant elevation adjustments. The administration proposed a ten-year plan to upgrade one track every two years and requested board input on prioritization. Board members discussed starting with the most expensive projects due to rising costs, prioritizing Darby or Kimmons to provide a full-sized track on the north side, and addressing the track in the worst condition first. No decision was reached, and the board requested further information, specifically on Darby’s feasibility for a regulation track, potential street closures, and event facility estimates.
Krystle Smith, Supervisor of Special Programs and Advanced Placement Coordinator shared the AP Exam results for Northside and Southside High Schools. AP courses align with introductory college-level content, and students can earn college credit by scoring 3 or higher on AP exams. At FSPS, the percentage of students scoring 3 or higher surpasses the state average in many subjects. The district is also seeing an increase in both the number of students taking AP courses and those achieving scores of 3 or higher. The board congratulated the students on their outstanding achievements and thanked the staff for their efforts.