• A Message from the Counselor


    Hello Carnall Families!

    I am Brooke Blanco-Briceño and I am happy to help your children as they learn and grow in grades K through 5 at Carnall Elementary School.  I do classroom guidance lessons, individual and small group counseling sessions, and I help parents and teachers as needed to develop strategies that will support and challenge our students to be people of great character! Topics during counseling sessions in the school year include: good manners, anti-bullying, internet safety, positive social skills, academic/work ethic, career awareness, personal safety including anti-drug lessons, and ways to maintain healthy confidence/self-esteem.

    My husband's name is Julian and I have three children, Cristofer, Marisol and Everado (Plus our fur child Bruno) and I love helping them and other students discover their greatness within!  I have been in education for 21 years. 12 years of teaching and 9 years in counseling.  I live in Fort Smith, and I think I have the best job in the world!  Always happy to help. E-mail me if you need my assistance (bbriceno@fortsmithschools.org) or call our school (479-646-3612).

     Brooke's Family