- Ramsey
- Tardiness
Student Handbook
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Welcome to Ramsey
- Traffic
- Excused and Unexcused Absences
- Attendance
- Truancy
- Leaving Campus
- Tardiness
- Leaving Class
- Student Dress Code
- Rights, Responsibilities & Limitations
- Electronic Devices
- Tobacco, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems
- Prohibited on School Property
- Restricted Areas
- Behavior in the Hallway
- Cafeteria Procedures
- Use of Library
- Nurse's Office/Medication
- ID Cards
- Lockers
- Detention
- In School Suspension
- Ballgames & Night Activities
- Field Trips or Athletic Trips
- Inclement Weather
- Visitors
- Parental Involvement
- Fire, Tornado, & Crisis Drills
- Counseling Services
- Homework
- Grading
- Class Materials
- Textbooks
- Digital Information
- Course Changes
- 7th and 8th Grade Promotion Policy
Promptness is expected of all students. Students who are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings will be considered tardy. If a student arrives at school tardy during first period, he/she should report to the Main Office. Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action. Three tardies are equal to one day of absence.
Teachers will determine whether a tardy is excused or unexcused during periods 2 through 8 and will provide consequences according to the handbook. The assistant principal should be notified on a student’s 10th unexcused tardy.
Repeated tardiness to a class or to school will result in the following penalties:
1st - 3rd tardy -------- warning
4th - 6th tardy--------- 1 lunch detention issued by the teacher
7th - 9th tardy--------- 40 minute detention after school issued by the teacher
10th + tardy--------- 1 day ISS issued by the assistant principal