- Ramsey
- ID Cards
Student Handbook
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Welcome to Ramsey
- Traffic
- Excused and Unexcused Absences
- Attendance
- Truancy
- Leaving Campus
- Tardiness
- Leaving Class
- Student Dress Code
- Rights, Responsibilities & Limitations
- Electronic Devices
- Tobacco, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems
- Prohibited on School Property
- Restricted Areas
- Behavior in the Hallway
- Cafeteria Procedures
- Use of Library
- Nurse's Office/Medication
- ID Cards
- Lockers
- Detention
- In School Suspension
- Ballgames & Night Activities
- Field Trips or Athletic Trips
- Inclement Weather
- Visitors
- Parental Involvement
- Fire, Tornado, & Crisis Drills
- Counseling Services
- Homework
- Grading
- Class Materials
- Textbooks
- Digital Information
- Course Changes
- 7th and 8th Grade Promotion Policy
Each student will be issued one free ID each year. Subsequent IDs cost $2. These cards will be required for students to check out media center materials and to eat in the cafeteria.
Extra IDs are ordered online at any time. To order an ID students will use the following URL: tinyurl.com/rjhhome and click on the tile with the ID card.
IDs are printed at 11:00 each day. Do not allow students to leave class to pick them up. They may pick them up on their own time after 4th period.
Students who forget their lunch card will eat the lunch line assigned by the cafeteria. A student cannot use another student’s ID.
Failure to carry the ID card daily may result in consequences. Minimum-reprimand; Maximum-suspension.